marți, 24 noiembrie 2015

Human Resources Business Partner - Carpatcement


Heildelberg Cement Group, fondata in anul 1873, este astazi lider in industria de agregate si unul dintre cei mai mari producatori de ciment din lume. Grupul detine trei linii de business – Agregate, Ciment si Betoane, prezente in peste 40 de tari, cu 2300 de locatii si 44900 angajati.
Carpatcement Holding Romania reprezinta, incepand cu 1998, unul dintre cei mai importanti investitori germani pe piata de ciment din Romania.

Scopul postului
Ocupantul acestui post va fi direct implicat in livrarea proiectelor in ariile de resurse umane, fie in calitate de coordonator al acestora, fie ca persoana direct implicata in livrare.
  1. Ofera suport directorului si echipei de resurse umane pentru a atinge obiectivele strategice prin actiuni de coordonare a diverselor proiecte si responsabilitati.
  2. Sprijina si gestioneaza schimbarea organizationala in ceea ce priveste activitatile specifice de resurse umane. 
  • Acorda excelente servicii de consultanta in domeniul resursele umane tuturor managerilor din companie.
  • Mentine relatii excelente cu sindicatele sau reprezentantii salariatilor.
  • Asigura echitatea externa a sistemului de remunerare prin realizarea studiului salariilor / a beneficiilor pentru pozitii similare; gestioneaza sistemul de salarizare conform politicii companiei.
  • Evalueaza periodic performantele angajatilor
  • Intocmeste un raport lunar pentru rezultate obtinute versus obiective, precum si alte rapoarte solicitate ad-hoc.
  • Pregateste bugetul anual pentru cheltuielile cu personalul din aria respectiva.
  • Pregateste planuri de activitate lunare cu obiectivele de rigoare.
  • Gestioneaza dosarele de personal al companiei.
  • Propune planuri de instruire pentru angajatii companiei.
  • Revizuieste impreuna cu subordonatii planul de cariera si face propuneri cu privire la planul de succesiune.
  • Aproba efectuarea de cheltuieli in limitele bugetului admis.
  • Participa la negocierea contractului colectiv de munca si asigura ca acesta sa fie respectat. 
Cerintele postului
  • Minimum 5 ani de experienta in HR Management (cu o componenta obligatorie de HR Generalist), in domeniul industrial
  • Experienta in manangementul proiectelor si implementarea schimbarii
  • Nivel bun de cunostinte de legislatia muncii
  • Nivel foarte bun de cunoastere a limbii engleze
  • Usurinta in a intelege domeniul de activitate tehnic / industrial
 Profil psihologic
  • Foarte bune abilitati de comunicare si negociere
  • Abilitati de analiza si planificare
  • Focus ridicat asupra rezultatelor si eficientei proceselor
  • Foarte buna abilitate de rezolvare a problemelor
  • Excelenta capacitate de luare a deciziilor (inclusiv de propunere a unor solutii alternative factorilor de decizie superiori si implementare rapida si consistenta a deciziilor)
  • Orientat spre construirea unei cariere
  • Dinamism

 Asteptam CV-ul tau la adresa

luni, 23 noiembrie 2015

Business Assistant - Cegedim

Business Assistant

Our client, Cegedim, is a French group specialized in pharmaceutical and healthcare services field. Cegedim started in 1969 and serves its clients with technologic services and instruments, software and information from pharmaceutical and healthcare field. It had a global presence in over 80 countries and divested half of the activities in 2015; today it has over 3,500 employees in 12 countries.
Cegedim values are: integrity and responsibility, strong customer orientation and respect.
In Romania, Cegedim has 2 companies: Cegedim Customer information, specialized in pharmaceutical market analysis and Cegedim Rx, specialized in software for healthcare professionals. Both companies are run under the same management and share the common services: accounting, human resources and IT support.

Position purpose
·        Responsible for providing support to the General Manager in the areas of Planning, Budgeting, Monitoring, Communication and Public Relations; work closely with associates of the business

·      Manages, organizes and assists with GM schedule: meetings, events, phone calls and e-mails
·      Prepares, proof reads and edits all outgoing correspondence including letters, press releases, proposals, newsletters and marketing materials
·      Prepares the GM for meetings by researching, organizing and proof reading all documents that will be present in the meetings
·      Works closely with associates of the business
·      Monitor and report weekly project statuses and estimates; assist in general project management
·      Keeps confidentiality of clients and related information and projects
·      Keeps up with financial modeling, write proposals and helps with sales projections
·      Plans and executes activities, outings and trainings
·      Temporary substitute for HR&Office Manager (maternity leave) in payroll, recruitment and office management

·         3 years of previous similar experience (customer service, manager assistant; experience in Web environment, Adobe Photoshop, event organizing, client relations)
·         Bachelor’s degree
     ·         Excellent skills of writing and speaking in both English and Romanian (French might be a plus)

Psychological Profile
·         Compatibility with Cegedim values and organizational culture
·         Eager to learn, hardworking, very organized, outgoing, friendly, easy to work with, self-motivated, creative, good at anticipating and should be good with computers and technology
·         Ability to work effectively with a range of partners, have a proven track record of successful management, have excellent innovation and creativity skills and have an attentiveness to detail
·         Results oriented
·         Initiative
·         Engagement and enthusiasm
·         Dynamic
·         Organized, excellent self-management skills
·         Communicative
·         Assertive behavior
·         Persuasive, with excellent presentation skills

You match the description? 
Send us your CV and join Cegedim's team!

vineri, 13 noiembrie 2015

Internship - Resurse Umane

·         Îţi doreşti o carieră în domeniul resurselor umane, fie pe partea de recrutare, selecţie, evaluare, fie în training, consultanţă, coaching?

·         Eşti proaspăt absolvent/student în an terminal al unei facultăţi de psihologie/ sociologie/ economie/ management?

·         Eşti o persoană dinamică, riguroasă, creativă şi îţi place să interacţionezi cu oamenii?

Atunci te vrem în echipa noastră!

Result Development, companie de training şi consultanţă în management, vânzări şi resurse umane vrea să-şi mărească echipa! Aşa că scoatem la concurs un internship pe o perioada determinată de o lună, la finalul căreia vrem să-ţi facem o ofertă de colaborare! J

Adelina Ştefan